Archivio fotografico

32 risultati Effettua un'altra ricerca

3935Speechly, W.1790W. Speechly, A treatise on the culture of the vine, York, G, Peacock, 1790
14201865W. Hamm, Das Weinbuch, Leipzig, Weber, 1865
1648Rose Victor1869A. Ronna, Les industries agricoles, Paris, Maison rustique, 1869,
14831870C. Tovey, Champagne, London, Camden Hotten, 1870
1473Lavars1877C. Tovey, Wine and wine countries, London, Whittaker, 1877
13881879H. Vizetelly, Facts about Champagne and other sparkling wines, London, Ward Lock, 1879
13921879H. Vizetelly, Facts about Champagne and other sparkling wines, London, Ward Lock, 1879
13941879H. Vizetelly, Facts about Champagne and other sparkling wines, London, Ward Lock, 1879
13951879H. Vizetelly, Facts about Champagne and other sparkling wines, London, Ward Lock, 1879
13961879H. Vizetelly, Facts about Champagne and other sparkling wines, London, Ward Lock, 1879
13971879H. Vizetelly, Facts about Champagne and other sparkling wines, London, Ward Lock, 1879
14071879H. Vizetelly, Facts about Champagne and other sparkling wines, London, Ward Lock, 1879
14101879H. Vizetelly, Facts about Champagne and other sparkling wines, London, Ward Lock, 1879
14131879H. Vizetelly, Facts about Champagne and other sparkling wines, London, Ward Lock, 1879
14171879H. Vizetelly, Facts about Champagne and other sparkling wines, London, Ward Lock, 1879
13571880H. Vizetelly, Facts about port and Madeira, London, Ward Lock, 1880,
13611880H. Vizetelly, Facts about port and Madeira, London, Ward Lock, 1880
13621880H. Vizetelly, Facts about port and Madeira, London, Ward Lock, 1880
13661880H. Vizetelly, Facts about port and Madeira, London, Ward Lock, 1880
13681880H. Vizetelly, Facts about port and Madeira, London, Ward Lock, 1880
13691880H. Vizetelly, Facts about port and Madeira, London, Ward Lock, 1880,
13711880H. Vizetelly, Facts about port and Madeira, London, Ward Lock, 1880
13791880H. Vizetelly, Facts about port and Madeira, London, Ward Lock, 1880,
13801880H. Vizetelly, Facts about port and Madeira, London, Ward Lock, 1880
13821880H. Vizetelly, Facts about port and Madeira, London, Ward Lock, 1880
13841880H. Vizetelly, Facts about port and Madeira, London, Ward Lock, 1880
13851880H. Vizetelly, Facts about port and Madeira, London, Ward Lock, 1880
2278Raschiatura dei formaggi nelle cantine1881L. Figuier, Il pane e le farine, le fecole, le paste alimentari, le conserve alimentari, il latte, l'olio, il caffe e il te, Milano : F.lli Treves, 1881, pag. 185
12171884A. Dubarry, Le boire et le manger, Paris, Jouvet et, 1884
16561892Les grands vins de Bourgogne (la cote-d'or), Dijon, Armand, 1892?
16571892Les grands vins de Bourgogne (la cote-d'or), Dijon, Armand, 1892?
14791898J. Weinmann, Manuel guide a l'usage des vignerons champenois, Epernay, Bonnedame, 1898

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