| Delle galline | | 1511 | P. de' Crescenzi, De agricultura vulgare, Venezia, [Albertino da Lessona e Fratelli], 1511, |
 | Gallio | Parasole Isabella | 1683 | C. Durante, Herbario nvovo, Venetia, presso Gian Giacomo Hertz, 1684 |
 | Anagallide maschio | Parasole Isabella | 1684 | C. Durante, Herbario nvovo, Venetia, presso Gian Giacomo Hertz, 1684 |
 | Anagallide femina | Parasole Isabella | 1684 | C. Durante, Herbario nvovo, Venetia, presso Gian Giacomo Hertz, 1684 |
 | Cresta di gallo | Parasole Isabella | 1684 | C. Durante, Herbario nvovo, Venetia, presso Gian Giacomo Hertz, 1684 |
 | Pollino del picciograsso. Della tortora. Della gallina. Dello storno | | 1712 | |
 | Pidocchio del montone affricano. Pollino della gallina di Guinea | | 1712 | F. Redi, Opere di Francesco Redi. Tomo 1 In Venezia : per Gio. Gabbriello Ertz, 1712 |
 | Cavea pullaria | | 1741 | P.J. Cantel, De Romana Republica, Venetiis, apud Dominicum Tabaccum, 1741 |
 | The old hen and the cock | | 1779 | J. Gay, Fables, Newcastle, printed by and for T. Saint, W. Charnley, and J. Withfield and co., 1779, pag. 67 |
 | The scold and the parrot | | 1779 | J. Gay, Fables, Newcastle, printed by and for T. Saint, W. Charnley, and J. Withfield and co., 1779, pag. 82 |
 | The vulture, the sparrow, and other birds | | 1779 | J. Gay, Fables, Newcastle, printed by and for T. Saint, W. Charnley, and J. Withfield and co., 1779, pag. 158 |
 | The owl, the swan, the cock, the spider, the ass and the farmer | | 1779 | J. Gay, Fables, Newcastle, printed by and for T. Saint, W. Charnley, and J. Withfield and co., 1779, pag. 234 |
 | | Sellier Louis | 1787 | J. B. F. Rozier, Cours complet d'agriculture..., Paris, 1787, tome 5, |
 | | | 1787 | J. B. F. Rozier, Cours complet d'agriculture…, Paris, 1787, tome 5, |
 | | | 1793 | J.B.F. Rozier, Cours complet d'agriculture théorique, pratique, économique et de médecine rurale et vétérinaire, Paris, chez les Libraires associés, 1793-1805, vol. 5 |
 | | | 1793 | J.B.F. Rozier, Cours complet d'agriculture théorique, pratique, économique et de médecine rurale et vétérinaire, Paris, chez les Libraires associés, 1793-1805, vol. 5 |
 | | Tardieu Jean Baptiste Pierre detto l'anziano (1746-1816) | 1800 | J.B.F. Rozier, Cours complet d'agriculture théorique, pratique, économique et de médecine rurale et vétérinaire, Paris, chez les Libraires associés, 1793-1805, vol. 10 |
 | | | 1884 | A. dUbarry, Le boire et le manger, Paris, Jouvet et C.ie, 1884 |